Through the support of sponsorships, the sale of foursomes, and general donations; over $112,000 was raised…the highest grossing golf tournament in our history!
This fireworks display over Sarasota Bay is co-sponsored by the City of Sarasota, organized by Suncoast Charities for Children in partnership with Marina Jack and produced by Pyrotecnico.
To all our art enthusiasts, we'd love to see some of your NATURE works - whether it be photography, watercolor, oil-based, sketches, chalk, or whatever your fancy!
How many professional licenses are set to expire in the week ending July 2 in Sarasota County, according to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR)?
Here are the 50 political committees that received the largest amount of money from contributions during the week ending April 23, according to Florida’s Division of Elections.