
Sarasota Review

Monday, February 24, 2025

Sarasota County employee William C. Furst Jr. contributes a total of $500 to Republican Party candidate Gregory P. Walden

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Sarasota County employee William C. Furst Jr. has contributed a total of $500 to Republican Party candidate Gregory P. Walden, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC).

There were at least 29 contributions made to political candidates and committees by Sarasota County employees, 55.2 percent of which have gone to Democratic Party causes and candidates.

According to the Federal Elections Commission, donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections. In a study by opensecrets.org, they found the state with the highest percentage of contributions going to Democrats was Vermont with over 86-percent of the money going to Democratic candidates and committees. The most Republican-leaning state was Mississippi with over 71-percent of the money going to Republican candidates and committees.

Other donations by employees of Sarasota County
William Furst-Republican Party$1,000
William FurstRodney L. DavisRepublican Party$500
William FurstCory GardnerRepublican Party$500
William FurstRodney L. DavisRepublican Party$500
Bill Furst-Republican Party$500
Bill FurstVernon BuchananRepublican Party$500
Bill FurstBrian FitzpatrickRepublican Party$500
Bill FurstGarland BarrRepublican Party$500
Bill C. FurstStephen Joseph ScaliseRepublican Party$500
Alan William RoddyMargaret Elizabeth Rowell GoodDemocratic Party$350
Chaokee VangAndrew YangDemocratic Party$300
Maria KornJoe BidenDemocratic Party$290
Maria Korn-Democratic Party$255
Alan Roddy-$250
Maria KornElizabeth WarrenDemocratic Party$235
Cheryl Douma-$210
Patricia A. Barco-Democratic Party$150
Martin Joseph WielandMargaret Elizabeth Rowell GoodDemocratic Party$150
Maria KornMargaret Elizabeth Rowell GoodDemocratic Party$140
Eric DahmenBernard SandersDemocratic Party$127
Elaine CharneyMargaret Elizabeth Rowell GoodDemocratic Party$125
Alan RoddyJoe BidenDemocratic Party$125
Elaine CharneyJoe BidenDemocratic Party$120
Anthony SmithBernard SandersDemocratic Party$110
Maria KornMargaret Elizabeth Rowell GoodDemocratic Party$100
Maria Korn-$75
Julia ScottJoe BidenDemocratic Party$25
Anthony SellittiJoe BidenDemocratic Party$15
Numbers are accurate as of November 27, 2020.