
Sarasota Review

Monday, February 24, 2025

Which political committees received the most in contributions during July?

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Here are the 50 political committees that received the most money from contributions during July, according to the Florida Department of State.

Donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections. While Congress created the Federal Election Commission to oversee federal elections in 1974, each state is left to regulate its local elections.

Top committees ranked by total contributions (July)
RankCommitteeTotalMedian contribution amount
1Republican Party of Florida$2,373,541$20,000
2Florida Democratic Party$1,927,128$10,000
3Win Justice$1,200,000$600,000
4Forward Majority Action Florida$1,000,000$1,000,000
5Florida Federation for Children PAC$747,209$20,000
6In Florida We Trust$739,625$5,000
7Everglades Water Trust$695,000$100,000
8Realtors Political Advocacy Committee$495,221$20
9Conservatives for a Better Florida$477,000$5,000
10Floridians for a Stronger Democracy$475,000$75,000
11Citizens for Integrity in Government$445,500$19,750
12Teachers for Public Schools Excellence$400,000$400,000
13Florida Justice PAC$390,706$83.3
14Florida Prosperity Fund$370,000$50,000
15Florida Prosper$367,970$10,000
16Florida Alliance for Better Government$342,750$10,000
17Conservatives For Principled Leadership$303,183$5,000
18Jobs for Florida$291,000$25,000
19Florida Public Corruption Task Force$270,000$55,000
20Make America Great Again$259,500$20,000
21Floridians for Equality and Justice$249,926$249,925.5
22Florida Jobs PAC$225,000$50,000
23Florida Chamber of Commerce PAC$220,667$75
24Vote Differently$202,985$202,985
25Unite Here Florida PAC$200,000$200,000
26Friends of Ray Rodrigues$198,350$3,500
27Trump Committee PC$194,000$32,500
28Florida Strong Finish$190,500$5,000
29Americans For Progress$186,000$2,500
30Florida Future$184,300$4,000
31Citizens for Principled Leadership PC$182,500$10,000
32Florida's Voice for Early Learning$180,642$50
33Florida for All, Inc.$179,500$40,000
34Fighting for Florida Jobs PC$162,500$25,000
34People Powered Politics PC$162,500$20,000
36Defender la Justicia PC$161,500$22,500
37Miami Realtors PAC$152,542$30
38Florida Operators Association$150,400$800
391199 SEIU Florida Political Committee$149,000$74,500
40Taxpayers For Term Limits PC$145,000$27,500
41New Leadership for Florida$132,000$20,000
42Working Together For Florida PAC$130,500$10,000
43Business of Florida$129,600$5,000
44Floridians for Economic Freedom$125,000$9,500
45Engaged Florida$124,500$28,500
46Levantate! PAC$120,000$120,000
47Florida First Forever, Inc.$115,000$22,500
48Citizens Alliance for Florida's Economy$112,000$12,000
49Florida Leadership Committee$110,500$5,000
50Voters Response$110,300$9,850